FPF Training: Proposed EU AI Act

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When:  Jun 1, 2023 from 11:00 to 13:00 (ET)

In April 2021, the European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation laying down rules on artificial intelligence, the so-called EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Right now, the last stages before its adoption are underway in Brussels. The impact of this Regulation will be broad, not only because the EU AI Act will be the first legally binding act worldwide regulating the development and use of AI systems but also because of its extraterritorial effect. The aim of this training is to familiarise participants with the legal implications the Regulation will have on providers and users of AI systems and to give insight into its current legislative process and possible timeline for adoption.

The Proposed EU AI Act session will cover topics including:

  • The EU legislative process for the AI Act: institutions involved, what to expect as next steps and when;
  • The AI supply chain and the obligations of the actors involved;
  • Definition of the AI system;
  • Conformity Assessment and Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment;
  • Areas of interplay between the AI Act and the GDPR;
  • Standardisation and the role it is expected to play;
  • Global state of play with regard to AI legal acts.

This training will be a live virtual session.