Not registered yet? Apply for access

The Portal can be accessed by FPF Members. Is your company an FPF Member, but you don't have an account for the Portal? Please complete the registration form below and your account will be approved as soon as possible. By providing the requested information below, FPF will be able to tailor member offerings to better suit your needs. Information added to optional fields are for admin use only and will never be shared publicly.

Limited access to the FPF Portal is also provided to nonmembers who join the Ethics and Data in Research working group. Please be sure to check the Access box below if you want to join the Ethics and Data in Research working group. 

Not a Member? FPF invites and welcomes the support of companies committed to advancing privacy practices. Please see FPF’s statement of member levels and benefits here. To learn more about becoming an FPF member, please contact FPF's membership team at

Please contact us if you need immediate assistance.  Thank you for your patience!

First Name
Last Name
Postal Code
Select your primary job function
Select years worked in privacy
Access to Ethics and Data in Research